Contact Us
Office Manager: Raven Harlin
(509) 962-9768
Cemetery Office: 1900 Brick Rd, Ellensburg, WA 98926
Mail: I.O.O.F. & High Valley Cemeteries
P.O.Box 154, Ellensburg, WA 98926
Cemeteries managed by the IOOF Lodge 20

Talk To Us About
Cemetery Services.
Care planning for immediate need to thinking ahead. Providing for yourself and your loved ones,
You can plan ahead and make payments on future services. Pre-arranged plots, columbariums, services, and final inscriptions.
Memorial Stones.
Let us help you create a lasting memorial for you or a loved one.
Volunteer Work.
We love volunteers! We are open to many ideas.
Community Service.
Community service hours can be obtained here, as well as high school community service.
Join the Cemetery Board.
Meeting held at the Brick Road office at 5:30pm, the 2nd Wednesday each month.
Explore Brick Road and High Valley Cemeteries.
Brick Road Memorial Park
Visit the page for Brick Road Memorial Park for information on the cemetery and to search for individuals buried here.
High Valley Cemetery
Visit the page for High Valley Cemetery for information on the cemetery and to search for individuals buried here.